Sunday, February 19, 2006

Learning to let go

well, i have learned how to take my dummy out of my mouth very well. i like grabbing onto it, pulling it out of my mouth, looking at it, turning it over in my hands. it's kinda like a toy. i am starting to learn to put it back in. but what i haven't figured out is how to let go of it so i'm not just sticking it in and pulling it out over and over. when i get frustrated my mom and dad help me, but i really want to learn to do it on my own soon.

i have several new things to share. i no longer ride in my car seat in my buggy. now i ride in the big part...and face forward. mom and i both have had to get used to that the last couple days. i like being able to see. turns out there is more to the world than i knew! plus even more people stop to smile at me and talk to me. i can sit up when i feel like it, or mom can lay me back if i need a sleep. mom has lost some storage space, but says the buggy is lighter now.

well, i survived more shots. i did really well. i cried and pouted for about 2 minutes total, one for each leg! i didn't get weighed, we have to go to the clinic for that, they don't do that at the doctors office. mom said she knows where that is, but it's only open specific days and times, so she's not sure when we'll make it down. she told me not to worry though, i look healthy and am very happy and that is the important thing. she says there is plenty of time to worry about my weight. i think she likes not knowing, its one less thing for her to be neurotic about!

her latest worry is sleep. she thought i was doing great, but then she read her stupid baby book. it says i should be getting 14 1/2 hours of sleep a day. so now she has started keeping track. i wish she would give me a break. i know when i am tired and i tell her, then she and dad help me go to sleep if i need it. really, do we need more drama, mom?

i'm a junior floaty! okay, well not officially, but mom will sign me up for my first swim class this week. it doesn't start till march 11 though. i have a swim suit (actually 2!) and mom just got me special swimming nappies. we are so excited. i am sad that dad will be out of town for the big first class, but grandma donna will be here, so that makes me happy.

i have a new trick. i turn my tongue up out of my mouth and suck my upper lip. it sounds kinda gross when i explain it, but it is really cute. my dad just saw me do it today for the first time and he confirmed it is cute, but mom and i already knew that.

dad has been kinda sick this week. his allergies/sinus gunk have been bothering him so he hasn't been sleeping well, either. plus he had a retreat to lead a couple days last week. i hope he feels better soon. he hasn't be snuggling with me, in case he could get me sick with his germs. being sick doesn't look fun so i think i'm going to try to not get sick. i sure do miss his cuddles though, they are the bomb!

by the way, i have seen my mom and dad's come no one ever comments on my blog?

1 comment:

Tami said...

Two swimsuits! Wow! The question remains. Did mom get her new swimsuit too? When my baby had her first swim class I was so excited about her swimsuit, I forgot to get me a new one. Luckily, my old one fit and I found it just in time for the class. Just be ready for mommy to be blowing in your face alot. That's how they get you to hold your breath before you go under water. Try not to grow fins too fast.